
Reach out to more candidates via Facebook

New Feature

Update as of 22 Feb 2022: Facebook Jobs has been phased out and will no longer be available for APAC users. However, users can still share on Facebook job posting links using the method described below:

Amplify your talent outreach through Facebook

While posting the cutest cat video you've seen this week, have you ever wondered about what career paths you could have taken as a social media marketer for adorable cats? Join the millions of jobseekers on Facebook and discover job opportunities through Facebook. And to top it all off, it is free.

To publish job opportunities on your Facebook Business Page easily using the RecruiterPal:

  1. Create a job opportunity and select Facebook as one of the portals to publish the job opportunity to.
  2. View and find the Facebook job posting for the job opportunity and mark the Facebook posting as posted
  3. Copy the tagged application link for the Facebook posting and paste it into your Facebook post.
  4. Update on Facebook Jobs

    The Jobs on Facebook product is changing on 22 Feb 2022

    Article SourceFacebook - Update on the Jobs on Facebook product